Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Shannen quotes

"Shannen: When I was 27, my mom said, "Honey, don't pretend this stuff isn't hurting you. If you go through your whole life being so self-protective, you're going to feel sad a lot." Something about what she said woke me up. I realized that I would rather have people know me as the shy, awkward person I am than the tough bitch. I got rid of a lot of people in my life. And after lots of therapy, and lots of patience and love from my family, I started to allow myself to open up. "

"Shannen: Does it hurt me that people think I'm a bad girl? Absolutely. It used to make me crazy and drepressed and sad"

"Shannen: (on her new role as host of Breaking Up with Shannen Doherty) I think it's kind of obvious what expertise I have. I've certainly been through a couple of relationships, as we all know, and some marriages. "

"Shannen: (on finding Mr. Right) I don't need to settle for anything less than Mr Right. I'm a little too old to be making the same mistakes. But here's the funny part. I never leave the house, so I don't know how I'm gonna find him. The guy who delivers the newspaper? Are you cute? I hope so, 'cause that's the guy I'm gonna meet - seriously. I go to work and I come home"

"Shannen: I wish I had conducted myself better on occasion and been more private, but I would rather live my life to the fullest than constantly conduct myself in a certain way to gain approval from others," "I've always been outspoken about my opinions, and there's something to be said for having the courage to just live your life. I have regrets but no apologies."

"Shannen (on the state of her personal life): I've been very, very, very happily single since October - I ended my previous relationship, and it thrills me to no end. I'm just sort of hanging out and being a single girl and enjoying the moment. I think to just be a girl and have fun is so incredibly important."

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